Why Lawyers’ Arena

Why Lawyers’ Arena, you may want to ask?

The idea behind the creation of this forum is essentially to give lawyers in Nigeria a medium to network. This networking opportunity will serve as an avenue for lawyers to exchange ideas, opinions, contributions, suggestions, criticisms or appraisals on every aspect of law practice in Nigeria, as it affects them.

Networking for profit, is another lofty dream of this Forum. We look forward to that day when a lawyer in Lagos will get briefed on a matter in Kaduna, but may not be able to handle this because of exigencies. What does he do? He comes into the Forum to locate a lawyer practicing in Kaduna, discusses with him and, pronto, the job gets done. Or a lawyer is briefed on an area of law practice with which he is not familiar. Then he can come online to network with an expert in that field.

In addition to law practice, lawyers have an opportunity to interact and share notes on the practice and procedure in the 36 States in Nigeria and the FCT. Lawyers have an opportunity to voice their opinions on the state of the judiciary in their State of law practice.

Nigerian lawyers practicing in the Diaspora are not left out. An opportunity is provided for lawyers in America, Europe, Asia and Africa to network and meet online, to share experiences and provide updated information for those who may be interested in practicing across borders.

Lawyers are humans after all. Besides, all work and no play make Jack a dull boy, they say. Not only Jack; lawyers too may become dull if there is no avenue to unwind. Therefore, we have provided an avenue for lawyers to unwind under our “Lawyerly” section. Here, counsels can discuss everything under the sun, including sports, motoring, religion, politics, NBA, family, jokes, and even romance! Who knows!! (winks)

Whilst our primary aim is to make this Forum exclusively for Nigerian lawyers, we deem it fit to admit law students in Nigerian universities and the Nigerian Law School. Here, the students too can compare notes, share experience and be of assistance to one another, until the egg transforms to the cock.

Finally, our aim is to ensure that this Form serves its purpose. Therefore, we shall regularly update and bring in innovations that will continue to make your visit interesting.

And should you have any suggestion, complaints or ideas regarding what we offer, please do not hesitate to use our ‘Contact Us’ form.

Thank you.
Yours lawyerly,
Manuel Akinshola Esq.

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