NBA ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING SENSITIZATION WORKSHOP The leadership of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), in collaboration with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), is pleased to invite you to a series of NBA Anti-money Laundering (NBA-AML) Sensitization Workshop for Legal Practitioners in Nigeria. This hybrid event is the first in […]

NBA 2022 Elections are here

Hi folks.   It’s another election year again when we appoint members of the executive committee of the Nigerian Bar Association for another term. This season calls for reflection on where we started from, self-assessment of where are are, and commitment to the ultimate objectives of where we desire to […]

Prepare for TAKE-OFF!

It is indeed my profound pleasure to formally launch The Lawyers Arena today. This is a forum created exclusively for Nigerian lawyers to network, relate and share ideas. The birth of this Forum arose when I needed to connect with any lawyer from another part of the country, who could […]

Why Lawyers’ Arena

Why Lawyers’ Arena, you may want to ask? The idea behind the creation of this forum is essentially to give lawyers in Nigeria a medium to network. This networking opportunity will serve as an avenue for lawyers to exchange ideas, opinions, contributions, suggestions, criticisms or appraisals on every aspect of […]

Who are We?

Who Are We? Lawyers’ Arena is hosted by Centunet Multitech, an ICT firm. If you need to reach us for partnership purposes, please send us a mail at

Our Content Policy

The following governs our content policy. By using this site, you agree to be bound by the rules stipulated herein and as updated from time to time. You agree that you will not post any material which is: obscene, profane, sexually oriented, or adult material; false, defamatory, or inaccurate; abusive, […]

Our Location

Our office is located at: Centunet Multitech Second Floor, Left Wing (Opposite Union Bank) No. 48 Allen Avenue Ikeja, Lagos State Nigeria. Telephone:  (234)909 046 6177; 0909 046 6100