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DEFAMATION: Definition of a defamatory publication

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" determining whether the publications in EXHBITS "J", "B", "C" and "F" in the circumstances under which they were made were libelous and defamatory of the Respondent, the need to rely on the principles laid down in AKOMOLAFE vs. NEIC LTD (2000) FWLR (PT. 27) 2016 cannot be overemphasized. In this case, it was held that a publication is defamatory if it is calculated to lower the Plaintiff in the estimation of right thinking people or to cause him to be shunned or avoided, or exposes him to hatred, contempt or ridicule or to disparage him in his office, profession or calling or reflect on his character. See also SKETCH vs. AJAGBEMOKEFERI (1989) 1 NWLR (PT. 100) 678; GIWA vs. AJAYI (1993) 5 NWLR (PT. 294) 428."

Per OHO, J.C.A. IN NNAJI & ORS v. IWUEKE (2018) LPELR-44043(CA)
